Company D Roster



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Co. Rank Name
D Pvt. Adams, William E.
D Pvt. Aguero, Eduardo R.
D Pvt. Aldred, John B.
D Pvt. Allen, Clarence L.
D S/Sgt. Anness, Joe, Jr.
D Pvt. Arnold, William L.
D Pvt. Babb, John p.
D S/Sgt. Barden, Donald
D Cpl. Bensing, Elmer J.
D Tec 5 Boden Eber L.
D Pvt. Boone, Patrick F.
D Pvt. Boyce, George H.
D Pvt. Brooks, Robert H.
D Pfc. Brooks, Thomas F.
D Pvt. Bruce, Tansell
D Pfc. Carter, James M.
D Pvt. Casmo, Ross
D Sgt. Causey, Isaac H.
D Pvt. Choate, Corlie
D Pvt. Choate, James L.
D Sgt. Christopher, George O.
D Pfc. Chumley, George E.
D Sgt. Collier, Morris S.
D Pvt. Coy, Sidney A.
D Pvt. Cravens, Maynard
D Pvt. Cravens, Woodrow W.
D Pvt. Cunningham, John O.
D Cpl. Dean, Oscar
D S/Sgt. Denny, Wallace
D Sgt. Devine, Ben
D Pvt. Dietrich, George R.
D Pvt. Dowell, David A.
D Tec 5 Ferguson, Everett E.
D Pvt. Ferguson, Harold J.
D Pfc. Fowler, Earl
D Sgt. French, Edward T.
D Sgt. French, Morgan
D Sgt. Funk, John A.
D Cpl. Garcia, Ernest
D Pvt. Goodpaster, Roy E.
D Sgt. Graham, Raymond J.
D Pvt. Groves, James T.
D Pvt. Henry, Jacob P.
D Tec 5 Hickey, Thomas P.
D Pvt. Holman, George
D Sgt. Hopper, Aaron C.
D Pvt. Horttor, Ervin C.
D Pvt. Hourigan, Kenneth M.
D Pvt. Humphrey, Abner L., Jr.
D Pfc. Hungate, Wesley D.
D Pvt. Jardot, William H.
D Pvt. Jefferies, Ira L.
D Pvt. Johnson, Otha
D Tec 5 Jones, James E.
D Tec 5 Keeling, Birchell
D Tec 5 Kent, William C.
D 2nd Lt. LaFon, Henry R., Jr.
D Sgt. Lawson, Marcus A.
D Sgt. Leake, Richard T.
D Pvt. Leonard, Hugh J.
D Pvt. Lewis, Willis E.
D Sgt. Likens, Claude
D Pvt. Lofton, Woodrow P.
D Pvt. Logan, George W.
D Pfc. Marksberry, Marvin
D Pvt. McDow, Emmit A.
D Pvt. McGrath, Martin W.
D S/Sgt. Million, Joe B.
D Pvt. Nix, L. T., Jr.
D Cpl. Nugent, Daniel
D Pvt. Odom, Lawrence
D 2nd Lt. Preston, Everett R.
D Sgt. Quinn, Charles R.
D Pfc. Reed, Charles E.
D Pvt. Rose, Willard
D Pfc. Royalty, Garratt G.
D 2nd Lt. Rue, Archibald B.
D Sgt. Sadler, John E.
D Sgt. Sallee, Heze F.
D Pvt. Scaife, James W.
D Pvt. Secrist, James C.
D Cpl. Serpell, Edward P.
D Sgt. Simpson, Judson D.
D Pvt. Smith, Jabe C.
D Sgt. Sparrow, William D.
D Sgt. Steel, Herbert C.
D Pfc. Stine, Ralph L.
D 1st/Sgt Terhune, Yandell
D Pvt. Thompson, James C.
D Cpl. Trisler, Edward V.
D Pvt. Tschudi, Peter H.
D Pvt. Williams, Howard R.
D S/Sgt. Wilson, Maurice E.
D Cpl. Yeast, Claude I.
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